Friday, 10 August 2012

#4 A new outline

I can see the new outline that's starting to form.   Where my calves will actually be, the development of actual ankle definition, my arms are starting to peak out from behind years of neglect and denial.   I'm excited to see where this is going.   My workout buddy who had gastric bypass got here months ago.  I know it's not fair to compare us, the situations are totally different.   But it's about damn time.

In this journey, unlike others I've started before there have been no thoughts of doing this to prove to other people, to rub it in the face of guys who passed me over because of my weight.  I'm competing with myself for the first time.   I'm winning the workout portion but FatJess, I have to admit, is winning the food war right now.  I need to get that under control.   It will be easier next week.  Staying at my parent's house for the last two weeks I'm starting to see where I've learned my habits from.   There is food in the house, but no ingredients. Boxed and bagged food is abundant.  It's convenient for them.  They both work full time jobs, so coming home to something that takes no thought or effort is a relief to them, however for someone trying to lose weight, frozen pizza, burgers, pancake mix and canned soup...  There's so much sodium and so little value.  And getting sick of them, I've fallen back into the old trap of ordering food just for something different.   It's strange looking in a spice cupboard and seeing 4 options, including salt and pepper.   My cabinet at home is stocked with spices from all over the world.   I go through a supply of cumin every 2 months, chili in 3 months.  Italian mix is gone in a month at most.   A house with Salt, Pepper, Red pepper mix and sage, I don't know how to cook in.

On the plus side, I have access to a pool.  Water running, swimming, even vacuuming works muscles that I rarely get to use outside of a gym.

Hopefully next week I'll get back into my gym cardio schedule.  I'm signing up for a Biggest Loser competition (hopefully) in fall and I'd LOVE to kick some ass in it, but I have to get my cardio up to par.   Now I have to pack for a weekend wedding up north... 8 hours of squats here I come!

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