Saturday, 1 September 2012

#7 Saturdays

Days of the week generally don't mean much to me, as I'm on a disability pension (my brain has problems.) but I LOVE Saturdays, especially in autumn.   For the last couple weeks I've felt the onset of Fall.  The back to school smell has been in the air and I'm thrown into a sense of excitement, remains of the time in my life where Fall meant a new beginning.

Saturdays are especially nice.  I wake up early and while I get ready for the day I talk to my best friend on webcam and his wife and daughter, and then it's off for adventures.   Taking the dog for a walk, meeting up with other dogs, feeding the ducks, trying to spot the bunnies before they spot Charlie is the best way to start a day.   This morning my mp3 player decided that I needed to be exceedingly optimistic about life and ended my walk with FreshlyGround - Doo Bee Doo and Fleetwood Mac - Don't Stop.  This energetic positivity lead to me dance and skip the last 8 minutes of my walk, which is naturally in a dense downtown type area with LOTS of traffic to watch me be stupid but I don't care.    I'm going to end up on youtube against my will one of these days.  

My enthusiasm was apparently contagious as  after I got home, and got my dog taken care of, I changed into my every day clothes and headed to Saturday market.  As I'm strutting my way down the street, I was checked out by 3 different guys.   Apparently confidence actually is key to a social life.  Who knew?

Saturday Market is the best thing about downtown Cambridge.  I take my tour about, and first things first, I get a sausage on a bun.  Breakfast is important and this is the most important sausage ever, and most delicious.  The booth is owned by a Mennonite family and therefore is the most delicious food ever.  If you're ever in St Jacobs, go to the green caboose and get an Oktoberfest on a bun.  You will not be disappointed.  They are seriously huge.    So I set on a bench with my sausage and fresh apple cider and watch the buskers, singing, fiddling and juggling (not all at the same time!) and I plan my meals for the week.  Today I needed carrots (so fresh I could smell them), an onion, green onion, potatoes and zucchini.  I got all and they look amazing.   Turkey stew and zucchini casserole here I come! 

There hasn't been much on the official workout plan this week.   I've made my own mini bootcamp during my dog walks, every couple of minutes stopping for a set of push ups, jumping jacks, squats, mountain climbers, et cetera.  I get good and sweaty, and it's nice knowing that I can do a self directed workout, something I would never do before. 

Off to meet my parents for brunch!

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